Thank you to all our donors.
We’re very thankful to all the support we’ve had from our donors.
The Big Lottery Community Fund.
People use this funding to do extraordinary things, taking the lead to improve their lives and communities. Every time you buy a National Lottery ticket, you help make this happen. Communities come in all shapes and sizes, and National Lottery funding is there for everyone.
National Churches Trust.
The National Churches Trust exists to support churches, chapels and meeting houses so that they remain at the heart of the communities for which they were built and can continue to play an integral part in all our lives.
The Tudor Trust.
The Tudor Trust is an independent grant-making trust which supports voluntary and community groups working in any part of the UK.
Allchurches Trust.
We support the repair, restoration, protection and improvement of church buildings, cathedrals and other places of Christian worship, especially where those changes support wider community use.
We are a family grant making foundation which supports charities in England and Wales working to raise the quality of life and provide greater opportunities for the young, the elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged.
IKEA Limited and The National Lottery Community Fund have come together to support thriving, resilient and sustainable communities across the UK.
Places Called Home explores the idea that communities can become as important to us as our homes. It aims to inspire and help people get more involved in their local community as a positive, homely place to be and meet other people.
We can fund equipment or materials to improve your community’s shared spaces and run activities that focus on sustainable living.
London Community Response Fund
The London Community Response is powered by London Funders - the membership network for funders and investors of London’s civil society.
We’re here to enable funders from all sectors to be effective. We’re focused on collaboration – convening funders to connect, contribute and cooperate together, to help people across London’s communities to live better lives.
Christian Generosity Week 2023 runs from Sunday 24 September to Sunday 1 October.
It’s a chance for churches to celebrate God’s generosity, and to consider their own generous response. You could run Generosity Week to co-incide with your Harvest Festival. As churches celebrate Harvest at different times, this could be at any point! We are called to be generous every day of the year, so take the opportunity whenever it suits you.
We suggest Generosity Week covers two Sundays, to give space to consider both gratitude and generosity. Two Sundays also means more of your congregation will be included.
We’ll be praying this every day throughout Generosity Week: do join us.